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Department for Low and Medium Energy 
Physics (F-2)

Department for Low and Medium Energy Physics (F-2)

J.Stefan Institute

Head Rafael Martincic

Department for Low and Medium Energy Physics (F-2):

* Laboratory for Atomic Spectroscopy
- Microanalytical Center
- XRF Group
* Group for Synchrotron Radiation
* Intermediate Energy Physics Group
* Applied Research and Development
- National Laboratory for Dosimetry Standards
- Laboratory for Radiological Measuring Systems and Radioactivity Measurements
    High Resolution Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Group

- Ecological Laboratory with Mobile Unit - ELMU
- Symposium on
Radiation Protection in Neighbouring Countries in Central Europe - 1995
Portoroz, Slovenia, September 4-8, 1995
- International Conference on
New Opportunities for Research at Third Generation Light Sources,
Lipica, Slovenia, May 22-29, 1996
- 9th Regular Workshop on
Mobile Radiological Laboratories 1996 - Intercomparison Measurements,
Bled, Slovenia, September 30 - October 4, 1996


Last update June 8, 1998; dgc