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* Date of birth: 24 February 1946
* Place of birth: Cerknica, Slovenia
* Nationality: Slovene
* Marital status: married, wife Polona
* Dependents: daughter Petra


Ph.D. in neutron physics, Faculty for Natural Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Subject of the thesis: Integral cross sections for fast neutron radiative capture
M.Sc. in experimental nuclear physics, Faculty for Natural Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Subject of the thesis: Computerized on-line control of the experiment and measurement of (n,gamma) reaction on Y and Pr.
B.Sc. in experimental physics, Faculty for Natural Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Subject of the thesis: Deexcitation of gamma rays in photonuclear reactions on Zr
* 1965
High school, general, Jesenice, Slovenia

Employment, positions and appointments

* J.Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
* Period: 1972 - 1980,
* Period: 1980 - ,
project manager (Ecological Laboratory with Mobile Unit)
* Period: 1983 - 1984,
deputy department head
* Period: 1984 - ,
department head (Department for Low and Medium Energy Physics)
* Period: 1986 - ,
IAEA expert and consultant
* Period: 1987 - ,
Member of Slovenian Civil Protection Headquarters, responsible for emergency preparedness and planning (hazardous materials)
* Period: 1992 - 1994,
adviser to the director general (ecology)

* Gorenje Corporation, 63320 Velenje, Slovenia
* Period: 1983, vice president (development)

Field of research

* Period: 1972-1980
* fast neutron capture
* high resolution gamma spectrometry
* radioecology
* Period: 1980-1983
* radioecology
* monitoring of environment around NPP
* emergency preparedness and planning
* radiation protection
* Period: 1984 -
* research manager in nuclear physics and metrology-based radiation detection, measuring techniques and instrumentation,
* national wide monitoring programs,
* national emergency preparedness and planning for nuclear emergencies

Teaching activities

* periodical lectures at various courses in the Civil Protection training programmes
* lectures at various IAEA training courses in radiation protection and emergency planning
* associate member of Postgraduate studies in Nuclear Techniques, Faculty of Natural Sciencies and Technology, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana,
* associate member of Postgraduate studies in Nuclear Energy, University of Maribor
* associate member of School of Environmental Sciences, SES, Nova Gorica, Slovenia
* supervisor of B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. students.

Invited lectures

  1. Workshop on derived intervention levels for Arab countries,
    Damascus, Syria, November 5- 14, 1987
  2. Workshop on gamma-spectrometry of food and environmental samples,
    Istanbul, Turkey, December 4-10, 1988
  3. Workshop on derived intervention levels,
    Aman, Jordan, November 7-26, 1988
  4. Workshop on national infrastructure for radiation safety,
    Pyongyang, DDR of Korea, May, 20-31, 1991
  5. Workshop on national infrastructure for radiation safety,
    Ulan Bator, Mongolia, June 3-14, 1991
  6. Regulatory practices for radiation safety,
    Abu Dhabi, UAE, November 19 - December 4, 1992
  7. National training course on licencing and inspection for radiation safety,
    Hanoi, Viet-Nam, November 3-21, 1993
  8. National training course on emergency planning and preparedness,
    Office for Atomic Energy for Peace, Bangkok, Tailand, May 1-20, 1994
  9. National training course on emergency preparedness,
    priprava in izvedba seminarja, Office for Atomic Energy for Peace, Bangkok, Tailand, November 18-29, 1996
  10. Regional training course on emergency planning, accident assessment and response to nuclear and radiological accidents,
    Abu Dhabi, U.A.E., December 14-18, 1996.
  11. Workshop on emergency planning and preparedness,
    STUK, Helsinki, Finland, March 3-7, 1997
  12. International training course on emergency planning, accident assessment and response to nuclear and radiological accidents,
    Argonne National Laboratory, USA, April 28 - May 16, 1997
  13. Regional training workshop on IAEA guidance on developing an effective emergency capability and plan for nuclear or radiological accidents,
    Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 30- July 11, 1997.

Other activities

* initiator and one of the founders of Radiation Protection Association of Slovenia

Membership in domestic and international organizations

* 1982-1984 Vicepresident of the Yugoslave Radiation Protection Association
* 1987-1989 President of the Yugoslave Radiation Protection Association
* 1993-1997 member of the Executive Council of Slovenian Association of Technical and Natural Sciences
* from 1991 President of Radiation Protection Association of Slovenia
* from 1997 member of IRPA Admission Committee

Conference committees

* member of the Programme Committee of the Symposium on
Radiation Protection in Neighbouring Countries in Central Europe, Obergurgl, Austria, 1993
* President of the Programme Committee of the Symposium on
Radiation Protection in Neighbouring Countries in Central Europe, Portoroz, Slovenia, 1995
* President of the Organizing Committee of the Symposium on
Radiation Protection in Neighbouring Countries in Central Europe, Portoroz, Slovenia, 1995
* local Organizing Committee, International Conference on
New Opportunities for Research at Third Generation Light Sources, Lipica, Slovenia, May 1996
* President of Organizing and Programme Committee of the
9th Workshop on Mobile Radiological Laboratories - Bled 96 Intercomparison Measurements, Bled, Slovenia, 1996
* member of Programme Committee of the conference
Rapid Methods of Radiochemical Analysis for Emergency and Routine Situations, National Physical Laboratory, UK, 1997
* member of Programme and Scientific Committee of the IRPA Regional Symposium on
Radiation Protection in Neighbouring Countries in Central Europe, Prague, Czech Republic, 1997

International projects

(Person responsible for the implementation of the project)
* Period: 1980 - 1982
UNDP project: Ecological Laboratory with a Mobile Unit
* Period: 1993 - 1995
IAEA project: Strengthening of Calibration Facility
* Period: 1995 -1996
Hungarian-Slovenian project: Development of environmental radioactivity monitoring with special attention to emergency situations

Expert missions and consultancy

1987 * Current status on radiation protection, Bagdad, Iraq, October 8-14, 1987
1989 * Mobile radiation monitoring laboratory, Islamabad, Pakistan, March 29- April 7, 1989
* National workshop on gamma-spectrometry and whole body counting, Bagdad, Iraq, June 9- 23, 1989
* Gamma spectrometry systems, Bangkok, Tailand, August 8 - September 16, 1989
* Radiological Emergency Mobile Laboratory, Kairo, Egypt, September 23 - October 3, 1989
1990 * Emergency planning and preparedness, Kuala Lumpur, Malesia, August 27-29, 1990
* Emergency planning and preparedness, Pyongyang, DDR Korea, August 31 - September 7, 1990
* Programme for Cernavoda training center, Bukarest, Romunia, November 15-25, 1990
1991 * Mobile radiation monitoring laboratory, Islamabad, Pakistan, February 28 - March 24, 1991
* Radiological accidents response team, Aman, Jordan, July 17-25, 1991
1992 * Radiological Emergency Mobile Laboratory, Kairo, Egypt, June 18 - July 1, 1992
1993 * Identification of specific components of Ghana programme that do not meet basic safety standards, Acra, Gana, August 18-30, 1994
1995 * Implementation of radiation protection legislation, Addis Ababa, Etiopia, March 16 - April 4, 1995
* Country programme framework misssion, Harare, Zimbabwe, June 5-13, 1995
* Check list for the development of emergency response preparedness for nuclear or radiological accidents, June 17-21, 1995, cosultancy meeting, IAEA, Vienna, Austria
* Emergency response programmes for nuclear facilities, Octobe 30 - November 3, 1995, cosultancy meeting, IAEA, Vienna, Austria
* International Response Technical Manual and InterRAS model, November 6 - December 1, 1995, cosultant to IAEA, Vienna, Austria
1996 * Check list for the development of emergency response preparedness for nuclear or radiological accidents, February 5-9, 1995, cosultancy meeting, IAEA, Vienna, Austria
* International Response Technical Manual and InterRAS model, February 12-16, 1996, cosultancy meeting, IAEA, Vienna, Austria
* International Response Technical Manual and InterRAS model, August 5-16, 1996, cosultancy meeting, IAEA, Vienna, Austria
* Assessment of the Radiological Situation at the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site, Republic of Kazakhstan, November 11-15, 1996, cosultancy meeting, IAEA, Vienna, Austria
1997 * Operation of Environmental Radioactivity Network System, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, Atomic Energy Research Institute, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, January 2-10, 1997
* Check list for the development of emergemcy response preparedness for nuclear or radiological accidents, January 20-24, 1997, cosultancy meeting, IAEA, Vienna, Austria


Scientific articles: 20
Articles: 11
Published presentations: 40
Abstracts and unpublished presentations: 17
Technical reports: 58


  1. M.Korun, R.Martincic: Method for rapid calculation of the efficiency of semiconductor detector in measurements of voluminous samples, Int.Symp. on Environmental Contamination Following a Major Nuclear Accident, Vienna, 492-493 IAEA-SM-306 (1990)
  2. R.Martincic, M.Korun, U.Miklavzic, B.Pucelj: Fast radionuclide determination using spectrometric procedures and field measurements, Int.Symp. on Environmental Contamination Following a Major Nuclear Accident, Vienna, 378-380 IAEA-SM-306 (1990)
  3. M.Korun, R.Martincic, B.Pucelj, In-situ measurements of the radioactive fallout deposit, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physical Research, A300 (1991) 611-615
  4. M.Korun, R.Martincic, Efficiency calibration of gamma-ray spectrometers for volume-source geometry, Applied Radiation Isotopes, Int.J.Radiat.Appl.Instrum., Part A, 43, No.1/2 (1992) 29-35
  5. M.Korun, R.Martincic, Coincidence summing in gamma and X-ray spectrometry, Nuclear Instrument and Methods in Physical Research, A325 (1993) 478-484
  6. M.Korun, R.Martincic, Determination of efficiencies of semiconductor gamma-ray detectors for inhomogeneous samples, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physical Research, A335 (1993) 148 - 155
  7. M. Korun, A. Likar, M. Lipoglavsek, R. Martincic, B. Pucelj, In-situ measurements of Cs distribution in soil, Nucl. Instr. and Meth, B93 (1994) 485-491
  8. M. Korun, R. Martincic, Efficiency calibration curves in gamma-ray spectrometry for samples with different matrices, Journal of Radioanalytical Nuclear Chemistry Letters, 186 (1994) 361-373
  9. M. Korun, R. Martincic, Activity calculations for voluminous samples in the presence of coincidence summing effects, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physical Research, A355 (1995) 600-608
  10. M. Korun, R. Martincic, B. Pucelj, M. Ravnik, The semiconductor gamma-ray spectrometer as a neutron flux meter, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physical Research, A368 (1996) 431-436
  11. M. Korun, R. Martincic, M. Merkan, Determination of the activities of inhomogeneous samples by gamma spectrometry using energy-dependent self-absorption, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physical Research, A369 (1996) 681-683

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Last update June 13, 1997