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Laboratory for Synchrotron Radiation

Head Mark Plesko

The Laboratory for Synchrotron Radiation covers all members of our department, who are involved in the use of synchrotron radiation in one or another way, be it as machine physicist, beamline designer or SR user. Currently, there are six members in the lab, working on the following topics:


* Mark Plesko
* Bogdan Jeram
* Jernej Suhadolc
* Jure Kastelic

There are no big accelerators in Slovenia, so they are involved mainly with the newly approved synchrotron light source ANKA in Karlsruhe, Germany (and ELETTRA, Trieste. They are currently building a test installation of the control system for ANKA. Better check out their personal pages before they start to build an accelerator around Ljubljana.


* Iztok Arcon
* Mark Plesko

In Italy at the village of Basovizza, right at the border to Slovenia, a synchrotron radiation centre has been built by the company Sincrotrone Trieste, SCpA. The unique 162 million ECU worth investment, called ELETTRA, is the world's brightest source of ultraviolet and soft X-rays. Our aim is to construct and later operate a beamline at ELETTRA.

The beamline, called BOSS (Beamline Of Slovenian Scientists), is of the multipurpose type in order to cover at least 70% of the current needs of Slovenian basic, applied and industrial research. The experiments on the beamline will be in the domain of X-ray absorption, fluorescence and electron spectroscopy, and to a certain extent also X-ray scattering.


* Iztok Arcon
* Marjan Hribar
* Alojz Kodre
* Matjaz Stuhec

Physics of the inner shells of atoms is studied using x-ray and synchrotron radiation. Recent work involves multiple photoexcitation, i.e. the process in which a photon can change quantum states of two or more electrons in the atom. The experiments provide information on collective motion in the atomic system. Absorption spectroscopy is the main experimental technique, recently complemented by high resolution fluorescence spectroscopy.

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* Danica Burg - Hanzel
* Darko Hanzel

Last update April 4, 1996; dgc