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The KGB project

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I. Goals of the Project:

The test set-up should provide an estimate whether the control system (CS) of the ESRF satisfies the following requirements:
* each point in the equipment should be reachable through the CS - alone or in a group of elements - within a reasonably short response time
* single sub-systems must be accessible by the equipment experts through local and through remote control
* the CS should be fully functional already at the commissioning of the accelerator complex, providing the following functions: commands, control, testing, debugging, alarms, monitoring and data logging
* the CS must provide generic graphic applications and support the development of specific applications
* it should be possible to attach applications to the CS with little effort

The test set-up should be characterised by the following criteria, always with respect to ANKA:
* user friendliness: interface and response times
* functionality
* development and debugging tools
* expandability
* how stable and bug-free it is
* easy installation (quality of the documentation, support, existing examples)
* quantity of work necessary for installation, operation, maintenance and upgrading
* how much external help can be foreseen and for what period
* whether upgrades are foreseen, possible or necessary
* expected compatibility of newer versions with the existing one
* quality and strength of the API (application programmer interface)

II. Results of the project:

Based on the test set-up, a written report summarize the following points:
* results of the test operations
* relevance of the KS for ANKA
* possible improvements and extensions
* an estimate of the complete installation costs for hardware and software
* an estimate of the operating expenditure in staff and material costs