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Intermediate Energy Physics Group

Head: Prof. Dr. Milan Potokar

Research staff:

* Prof. Dr. Franc Cvelbar
* Prof. Dr. Andrej Likar
* Prof. Dr. Milan Potokar
* Dr. Matej Lipoglavsek
* Klemen Bohinc, M. Sc.
* Simon Sirca, M. Sc.
* Tim Vidmar, B. Sc.


Nuclear Physics Institute, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany,
University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal,
University of New Hampshire, New Hampshire, USA,
The Svedberg Laboratory, Uppsala, Sweden,
NORDBALL collaboration,
EUROBALL collaboration.


* Experimental study of double and triple coincidence reactions A(e,e'N)B and A(e,e'NN)B on nuclei using CW electron beams, especially in the kinematical regions of high missing momenta (momentum distributions, N-N correlations).
* Experimental study of electroproduction of pions on nucleons p(e,e'pi+)n and p(e,e'p)pi0 from threshold to the region of the Delta(1232) resonance, including model independent separation of the structure functions and involvement in construction of a focal plane proton polarimeter (`The POLARIMETER Project') to measure p(e,e'p)pi0 with polarized electrons and polarized protons.
* Theoretical research of the radiative capture in the region of GDR applying improved versions of the DSD and PE models, paying special attention to excitation functions for the integrated and activation capture cross sections.
* Theoretical calculations of dynamical (helicity amplitudes, electroproduction multipoles etc.) and statical (energies, radii, magnetic moments etc.) properties of the nucleon using phenomenological quark models with the pion cloud, based on chiral symmetry (chiral chromodielectric model, linear sigma model with quarks, cloudy bag model).
* Experimental study of excited states of nuclei in the vicinity of Sn-100, using in-beam spectroscopy and heavy-ion reactions.
* In-situ gamma-ray spectroscopy.


* Publications 1993-1995
* Publications 1996-1998

Last update: July 14, 1998 by Simon Sirca.