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Publications in 1993-1995

* M. Fiolhais, B. Golli, S. Sirca:
E2 and C2 amplitudes for electroproduction of Delta,
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Structure of Baryons `Baryons 95', October 3--7, 1995, Santa Fe, USA, B.~F.~Gibson et al. (eds.), World Scientific, Singapore, 1996, p.~413.
Abstract - Preprint (32kb gzipped Postscript)

* A. Likar, T. Vidmar:
Nucl. Phys. A 591 (1995) 479.

* A. Likar, T. Vidmar:
Nucl. Phys. A 591 (1995) 458.

* K. I. Blomqvist, ..., M. Potokar et al. (A1 Collaboration):
No evidence for medium effects in the 12C(e,e'p)11B reaction,
Z. Phys. A 351 (1995) 353.

* F. Cvelbar, E. Betak, A. Likar:
Pre-equilibrium and direct-semi-direct model calculations of nucleon radiative capture excitation functions on heavy nuclei,
J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 21 (1995) 377.

* K. I. Blomqvist, ..., M. Potokar et al. (A1 Collaboration):
High-momentum components in 1p orbitals of 16O,
Phys. Lett. B 344 (1995) 85.
Abstract / Gzipped postscript (external link)

* M. de Poli, ..., M. Lipoglavsek et al. (NORDBALL Collaboration):
Approaching ^{100}Sn with GASP + Si-ball + Recoil Mass spectrometer: Collective states of ^{105}Sn and ^{103,105}In,
Proc. Int. Symp. on New Nuclear Structure Phenomena in the Vicinity of Closed Shells, Stockholm (1994), Physica Scripta T56 (1995) 296.

* G. de Angelis, ..., M. Lipoglavsek et al. (NORDBALL Collaboration):
Towards ^{100}Sn with GASP + Si-ball + Recoil Mass spectrometer: High-spin states of ^{105}Sn and ^{103}In,
Nucl. Phys. A 583 (1995) 231.

* F. Cvelbar, E. Betak and A. Likar:
Pre-equilibrium and direct-semi-direct model calculations of proton radiative capture excitation functions near A = 60,
J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 19 (1993) 1937.

* M. Korun, A. Likar, M. Lipoglavsek , R. Martincic, B. Pucelj:
In-situ measurement of Cs distribution in the soil,
Nucl. Inst. Meth. B93 (1994) 485.

* M. Korun, A. Likar, M. Lipoglavsek , R. Martincic, B. Pucelj:
In-situ measurement of Cs distribution in the soil,
Proc. Int. Conf. on Progress in Radiation Protection, Binz auf Rugen 1993, Verlag TUV Rheinland, Cologne (1993) 417.

* H. Anklin, J.-P. Blaizot, H. Borel, E. Cisbani, N.d'Hose, J.-E. Ducret, A. Feltham, D. Fritschi, S. Frullani, S. Gardner, F. Garibaldi, J. Gomez, J. Goetz, E. Jans, M. Jodice, J. Jourdan, S. Kerhoas, B.Z. Kopeliovich, M. Potokar et al:
A decisive test of colour transparency by quasielastic (e,e'p) scattering at high Q.,
THE ELFE Project an Electron Laboratory for Europe, eds: J. Arvieux and E. De Sanctis, Bologna, (1993), p. 223.

* G. Audit, O. Benhar, P.Y. Bertin, J. Berthot, V. Breton, G. Chanfray, S. Fleck, G. Fournier, R.Frascaria, J.Y. Grossiord, A. Guichard, B.Z. Kopeliovich, R.A. Kunne, J.M. Laget, S. Liuti, F. Malek, C. Mariotti, J.F. Mathiot, R. Mendez-Galain, H. Merabet, Z. Meziani, M. Morlet, J. Mougey, N.N. Nikolaev, B. Pire, M. Potokar, B. Saghai, J. Van de Wiele, B.G. Zakharov:
Photo- and electro-production of strangeness and charm in hadronic matter,
THE ELFE Project an Electron Laboratory for Europe, eds: J.Arvieux and E.De Sanctis, Bologna, (1993), p. 273.