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Department for Low and Medium Energy Physics (F-2)

Laboratory for Radiological Measuring Systems and Radioactivity Measurements
Activities of Gamma-Ray Spectrometry Group


- Measurements of activities of gamma and X-ray emitters
- Research and development of measurement and analysis methods
- International cooperation
- Education

Measurements of activities of gamma and X-ray emitters

Measurements of activities of gamma- and X-ray emitters in samples:
- collected in the frame of two major projects: Off-Site Monitoring of Krsko Nuclear Power Plant, and Survey of Radioactivity in the Environment in Republic of Slovenia
- surveys of radioactivity from different sources (industrial objects, mines, hospitals, coal- fired power plants...),
- inspection of food and other materials during import or export of goods etc.

We perform all kinds of measurements of gamma-ray and X-ray emitters:
- Laboratory measurements of activities in samples:
from living and working environment:
- air
- surface and ground waters
- soil
- sediments
- biosphere
- surfaces in the working environment
food and feed staffs
ground deposit
building materials
stones and ores
industrial and municipal waste waters
raw materials
materials from chemical processing industry
- In-situ measurements of gamma-ray emitters in the environment.
- Measurements in emergency conditions in case of nuclear or radiological emergencies.

- We perform about 1000 measurements (10000 determinations) per year.

- high-resolution gamma-ray detectors with the analogue electronic pulse-processing equipment and AD converters,
- computers and software,
- passive and active shields,
- spectrometers for in-situ measurements,
- system for detector calibration
- sampling and sample preparation equipment,
- software for quality assurance and control.
Measurements are performed according to the quality assurance program:
- control measurements with calibrated point sources on each spectrometer on a daily basis,
- on-line evaluation of quality of the measuring process,
- regular participation in international intercomparison runs from the year 1985.

Research and development of measurement and analysis methods

- Continuos improvements of measurements and analyses:
- calculation of activities of inhomogeneous samples,
- calculation of activities of X-ray emitters,
- calculation of activities of radionuclei with summing-coincidence corrections,
- activity calculation from in-situ measured spectra,
- development of active shields.
- We are regularly participating at international conferences
- We publish the results of our research in main international journals.

Some of our important articles are:

  1. Efficiency calibration of gamma-ray spectrometers for volume-source geometry,
    Appl.Radiat.Isot. 43 (1992) 29.
  2. Determination of efficiencies of semiconductor gamma-ray detectors for inhomogeneous samples,
    NIM A 335 (1993) 148.
  3. Coincidence summing in gamma and x-ray spectrometry,
    NIM A 325 (1993) 478.
  4. Activity calculation for voluminous samples in the presence of coincidence summing effects,
    NIM A 355 (1995) 600.
  5. Measurements of the total to peak ratio of a semiconductor gamma-ray detector,
    NIM A 385 (1997) 511.

International cooperation

- We are regulary participating in international intercomparison measurements of samples, organized by International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA, National Physical Laboratory (NPL) from United Kingdom, Institut de radiopysique appliquée (IRA) from Switzerland and World Health Organisation WHO.
- We participate in Workshops on Mobile Radiological Laboratories (mainly intercomparison of in-situ measurements), which are organized on yearly basis by one of European countries (in the year 1996 the Workshop was organized by our Laboratory.
- We cooperate in characterization of Certified Reference Materials: IAEA, NPL, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) from USA.
- We are a member of the ALMERA network - a group of laboratories which support agency IAEA at the measurements of activities and at development of methods of activity measurements.
- We analyse samples within large international projects IAEA like environmental assessment missions in Kazakhstan and Kyrghyzstan.
- We collaborate as advisers and experts in programs of technical assistance of IAEA to its member states.
- We participate in international projects EUROMET (Transfer of Ge Detector efficiency calibration from point source to other geometries) and IAEA (Calculation of detector responses to gamma-rays from extended sources).


- We offer creative working environment to perform graduate, post-graduate and Ph.D. thesis.
- In the framework of IAEA programs we offer possibilities for education of experts from developing counties.
- We organize workshops in the field of gamma-ray spectrometry.


- Jozef Stefan Institute,
Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
- +386 (0)61 177-3900 (Operator)
fax: +386 (0)61 123-2120

- direct calls: +386 (0)61 177 3333, 177 3446
e-mail: matjaz.korun@ijs.si

Last update April 24, 1998; dgc