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[PHOTO] A multipurpose beamline at ELETTRA


The BOSS collaboration is an informal group of people and institutions from Slovenia, which want to perform experiments at the synchrotron light source ELETTRA, or consider to do so in the future. The goal of the collaboration is to design, construct and operate our own beamline.

The envisioned experimental techniques can be summarized in four groups:

* X-ray scattering (small and wide angle),
* absorbtion,
* fluorescence, and
* photoelectron spectroscopy.

Scattering is used to determine either bulk or surface structures, absorbtion spectroscopy is used to selectively study specific elements and their chemical environments in many different materials, fluorescence spectroscopy allows the detection of low concentration elements in biological and environmental samples and photoelectron spectroscopy reveals informations about electronic properties of material entities from crystals down to atoms.

The particular techniques which the beamline will enable are: XAS (X-ray absorbtion spectroscopy), XANES (X-ray absorbtion near edge spectroscopy), EXAFS (extended X-ray absorbtion spectroscopy), SEXAFS (surface EXAFS), XRF (X-ray fluorescence), XSW (X-ray standing wave), SAXS (small angle scattering), diffraction, PEEM (photo electron emission microscopy), XPS (X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, sometimes called ESCA - electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis) and possibly ARPES (angular resolved photoelectron spectroscopy). An addition of a microprobe is possible, giving spatial resolution to all of the aforementioned methods of about 10 - 30 um with the exception of PEEM, which already has a resolution of 0.5 um and better.

The expected characteristics of the beamline are high photon energy resolution (resolving power 5000 and above) in the range between 2 keV (0.62 nm) and 12 keV (0.1 nm), high flux from a bending magnet source (more than 1012 photons/second in the whole spectral region), small spot size on the sample (below 1 mm2), vertical divergence below 0.5 mrad and flexibility for the attachment of different sample chambers utilizing several detectors simultaneously at the end of the beamline. As of january 1st, 1995, we have finished the scientific case and the conceptual design, which have been recently approved by the program advisory committee of ELETTRA. Currently we are working on the detailed designing of the components of the beamline and on fund-raising (you know what we mean, don't you ?).

The members of the collaboration are currently:

D. Abramic (1), K. Al Sabti (1), I. Arcon (1), M. Bele (2), L. Benedik (1), A. Blinc (1), R. Blinc (1,3), B. Boh (9), B. Borstnik (2), M. Brecl (2), M. Budnar (1), N. Bukovec (4), P. Bukovec (4), A. Cvelbar (1), B. Cvikl (1,7), I. Cadez (1), M. Copic (1,3), U. Delalut (1), A. Demsar (4), F. Dimc (1), M. Dobersek (5), M. Drab (6), J. Faganeli (1,8), I. Falnoga (1), M. Fele-Beuermann (1), R. Gabrovsek (2), L. Golic (4), J. Grdadolnik (2), M. Hribar (1,3), A. Jamnik (4), H. Janzekovic (1), I. Jencic (1), A. Jesih (1), V. Kaucic (2), I. Kobal (1), S. Kobe-Besenicar (1), A. Kodre (1,3), D. Korosak (1), M. Kosec (1), M. Kovac (2), M. Kozelj (1), M. Krajnc (1), S. Kralj (1), A. Krumpak (9), P. Kump (1), M. Kveder (6), G. Lahajnar (1), S. Lojen (1), K. Lutar (1), T. Malavasic (2), B. Malic (1), T. Marcac-Grahek (4), V. Marinkovic (1), T. Meden (4), S. Milicev (1), I. Milosev (1), B. Mirtic (10), M. Mozetic (6), T. Mrdzen (1), A. Musar (9), A. Mühleisen (1), B. Navinsek (1), M. Necemer (1), P. Ogorelec (9), N. Ogrinc (1), B. Orel (2), P. Panjan (1), A. Paulin (7), S. Pejovnik (2), P. Pelicon (1), J. Peternelj (1), M. Petric (4), S. Petricek (4), J. Pezdic (1), R. Planinc (1), M. Plesko (1), B. Pracek (6), A. Prodan (1), N. Ramsak (1), M. Remskar (1), B. Saje (1), A. Sever-Sapin (2), J. Slunecko (1), B. Smodis (1), S. Spruk (6), P. Segedin (4), Z. Smit (1), M. Stuhec (1), J. Stupar (1), E. Tratar-Pirc (4), I. Turel (4), B. Udovic (4), V. Vlachy (4), F. Vodopivec (5), M. Vrtacnik (9), K. Wisiak (9), N. Zabukovec-Logar (2), A. Zalar (6), D. Zavrtanik (1), A. Zidansek (1), B. Zemva (1), M. Zitnik (1)

  1. Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana
  2. National Institute of Chemistry in Ljubljana
  3. Department of Physics, University of Ljubljana
  4. Oddelek za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, University of Ljubljana
  5. Institut za kovine, materiale in tehnologijo, Ljubljana
  6. Institut za elektroniko in vakuumsko tehnologijo, Ljubljana
  7. Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Maribor
  8. Morsko-bioloska postaja Piran, Institut za biologijo
  9. Oddelek za kemijsko izobrazevanje in informatiko, University of Ljubljana
  10. Oddelek za montanistiko, University of Ljubljana


Some documents of BOSS in the PostScript format:

* the Scientific Case (without the individual proposals)
* the Conceptual Design (without figures)


* a 3D impresion of the beam
* a schematic view of the beamline components

Last update April 4, 1996; dgc