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Department for Low and Medium Energy Physics (F-2)

Laboratory for Radiological Measuring Systems and Radioactivity Measurements
High Resolution Gamma-Ray Spectrometry Group


- Measurements of activities of gamma and X-ray emitters
- Research and development of measurement and analysis methods
- International cooperation
- Education

   In the environment natural and man-made radioactive isotopes - radionuclei are present. The majority of natural radionuclei belongs to the uranium and thorium decay chains. On the other hand, artificial radionuclei in the environment originate in atmospheric atomic bomb tests, nuclear technology and radiological accidents. Radionuclei decay and emit ionizing radiation in form of alpha-, beta- and gamma-rays.

   The gamma-ray spectrometry group was established in 1981. Measurements of activities of radionuclei emitting gamma-rays in the energy region between 5 and 3000 keV are carried out. Calibrated semiconductor detectors are used for the measurements. In the process of optimization of the sensitivity of measurements, classical calibration methods proofed to be inconvenient. Therefore, in the beginning of eighties, the calibration method with point sources was developed. In the nineties the method was supplemented with the calculation of coincidence corrections and automatized. Strict procedures for quality assurance and control of measurements and analysis were introduced.

   For maintaining superior quality of results, beside introduced quality assurance program, also research activities are necessary. Therefore active shields for increasing the sensitivity, analysing methods for assessing the inhomogeneity from the measured spectrum and in-situ methods are being developed.

   The Laboratory is authorized for gamma-ray measurements in Slovenia. It presents a core of a team responsible for radioactivity measurements in case of radiological emergencies.


- J. Stefan Institute,
Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
- +386 (0) 61 177-3900 (Operator)
fax: +386 (0)61 123-2120

Head of the Laboratory:Dr. Rafael MARTINCIC
- direct calls: +386 (0)61 177 3493
e-mail: rafael.martincic@ijs.si

QA Manager: M.Sc. Denis GLAVIC-CINDRO
- direct calls: +386 (0)61 177 3293
e-mail: denis.cindro@ijs.si

- direct calls: +386 (0)61 177 3333, 177 3446
e-mail: matjaz.korun@ijs.si


  1. Drago BRODNIK
  2. Zvone GRABNAR
  3. Dr. Marijan NECEMER
  4. M.Sc. Matej LIPOGLAVSEK
  5. Emil SOSIC
  6. Tim VIDMAR, B.Sc.
  7. M.Sc. Branko VODENIK
  8. Marija ZELE

Last update April 24, 1998; dgc