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X-Ray Fluorescence Techniques

The group has been established three years ago with the objective to introduce and develop different methods of X-ray fluorescence analysis, utilizing the radioisotope as well as the X-ray tube excitation. So far the group's activities have been oriented mainly in the following directions:

* Development of an efficient software for the quantitative X-ray Fluorescence Analysis, which is based on physical parameters and describes the process of excitation, relaxation and detection of X-rays in an X-ray fluorescence experiment.
* Introduction of the Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence Technique, for quantitative analysis of trace elements in different specimens. A lot of efforts have been devoted to the sample preparation of organic samples, so that the analysis would yield maximum sensitivities as well as the necessary accuracy in elemental determinations. The present activities in TXRF technique have an objective to improve the sensitivities for elemental analysis by monochromatisation of the excitation radiation. A new system is planned to be designed. The applications are planned to be utilized also in the analysis of thin layers and multi-layer structures, determining the depth profiles of contaminants or implanted atoms in thin layers in depth ranges between 1 and 1000 nm.
* One of the most important tasks of the group is also a popularisation of X-ray analytical methods in chemical analysis. The group plans to develop and design complete analytical systems, which would be offered to different laboratories for the routine analytical work. At the same time the laboratory offers also a graduate and postgarduate programme, which trains mainly chemists in different aspects of utilisation of X-ray spectrometry in analytical work.
* The group started the collaboration with some European laboratories within the COPERNICUS programme of joint research, through the project: Validation of Instrumental Trace Element Analysis for Quality Monitoring in the Drinking and Mineral Water Industry. The group also actively collaborates with the International Atomic Energy Agency in the proliferation of XRFA, as a nuclear analytical technique, in different countries all over the world, within the framework of the respective technical assistance and training programmes.
* Within the J. Stefan Institute, the group is tightly linked to the BOSS project on the synchrotron radiation source ELETTRA Sincrotrone in Trieste, as well as with the low energy accelerator group, which are oriented to initiate a variety of different interdisciplinary projects as well as applied and basic research.
* The group also collaborates with the Department of Environmental Sciences (O1) (formely Physical and Environmental Chemistry and Nuclear Chemistry) in analysis of aerosoles and water samples, connected with the COPERNICUS project.


* S.M. Tang, P. Kump, C.T. Yap, M.G. Bilal: Calculation of Relative X-ray Fluorescence Intensity for Annular-Source Geometry by Monte-Carlo Method, X-Ray Spectrometry, Vol. 15 (1986), 289.
* C.T. Yap, P. Kump, S.M. Tang, L. Wijesinghe: Calibration of the Radioisotope-excited X-ray Spectrometer with Thick Standards, Applied Spectroscopy, Vol. 41 (1987), 80.

Last update April 4, 1996; dgc