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Related Documents


Financed by Slovenian Ministry of Science and Technology:

* Milos Budnar,
Studij veckratne ionizacije atomov preko rentgenskih satelitskih crt,
Study of atomic multiple ionization from X-ray satellite lines,
January 1993 - December 1995.
* Milos Budnar,
Razvoj merilnika gostotnih profilov,
Development of the density profile instrument,
January 1994 - December 1995
* Andrej Likar,
Raziskave snovi s fotoni in sevanjem,
Investigation of matter with photons and particles,
January 1993 - December 1995
* Ziga Smit,
Studij elektronskih korelacij,
Study of electronic correlations,
July 1994 - June 1997

Financed by International Institutions:

* Milos Budnar, IAEA RER/4/008
Small Accelerators for Science and Technology,
January 1993 - December 1995
* Peter Kump, Copernicus Project : No. CIPA-CT94-0210
Validation of Instrumenatl Trace Element Analysis for Quality Monitoring in the Drinking and Mineral Water Industry,
October 1994 - September 1996


* COST G1 : Application of Ion Beam Analysis to Art and Archaeology
* Research Collaboration with CNR and IMAI, Rome, Italy
* University of Antwerp, Wilrijk, Belgium


* M.Budnar, A.Mühleisen, M.Hribar, H.Janzekovic, M.Ravnikar, Z.Smit, and M.Zitnik, K-MM Radiative Auger Effect in Solid Ca, Ti and Cr targets after ionization with 0.7-1.5 Mev Protons, Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res., B63, (1992) 377-383.
* M.Budnar and A.Mühleisen, Second Order Radiative Contributions at Fluorescence Lines, Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res., B75, (1993) 81-85.
* M.Budnar, Some Applications of low-energy accelerators, Int. Journal of PIXE, Vol.3., No.3., (1993) 255-266.
* M. Geretschläger, Z. Smit, E. Steinbauer, K-Shell Ionization Cross Sections of Al, Si, S, Ca and Zn for Oxygen Ions in the Energy Range 1.1-8 MeV, Phys. Rev. A45 (1992) 2842-2849.
* Z. Smit, Light-Ion-Induced K-Shell Ionization in the Adiabatic Region, Phys. Rev. A46 (1992) 1367-1373.
* Z. Smit, Rutherford Backscattering from a Thick Target, Phys. Rev. A48 (1993) 2070-2076.
* Z. Smit, M. Zitnik, L. Avaldi, R. Camilloni, E. Fainelli, A. Mühleisen, G. Stefani, Auger Hypersatellites in Ne Atoms Induced by Electron Impact, Phys. Rev. A49 (1994) 1480-1483.
* Z. Smit, I. Orli, First Order Theories for Adiabatic L Shell Ionization by Protons, Phys. Rev. A50 (1994) 1301-1308.

Last update July 28, 1995